The Horses are coming

happiness, hit her like a train on a track.
coming towards her, stuck still no turning back.
she hid around corners and she hid under beds.
she killed it with kisses and from it she fled
with every bubble she sank with a drink
and washed it away down the kitchen sink

the dog days are over, the dog days are done
the horses are coming so you better run
run fast for your mother run fast for your father
run for your children for your sisters and brothers
leave all your love and your loving behind you
can’t carry it with you if you want to survive
the dog days are over the dog days are done
can’t you hear the horses cuz here they come

and i never wanted anything from you
except for everything you had and what was left after that too. oh.
happiness it hit her like a bullet in the back
struck from a great height by someone who should know better than that

Today only in Slovak <3

 Rada pomáhala ľuďom. Vždy, keď niekto potreboval pomoc, bola prvá, ktorá sa ponúkla. No raz potrebovala  pomoc aj ona. Vtedy sa nenašiel nik, kto by bol ochotný. Všetci už boli za hranicou blaha a spokojnosti. Nenašiel sa nik, kto by ju cez tú hranicu previedol tiež. Nik sa po ňu nevrátil. Zabudli na ňu. Egoisti, povedali by ste. No ona nie. Bola naivná. Stále dúfala, že niekto „hodí spiatočku“ a vyvedie ju z blúdneho kruhu, kde sa točila už pekne dlho. Chcela, aby niekto prišiel. 
Prišlo toho veľa, no všetko malo meno „katastrofa“ a „nešťastie“. To jej veru nepomohlo. Iba jej jej kroky v blúdnom kruhu sťažovali. Neskôr si uvedomila, že je sama. Naivitu poslala loďkou dolu riekou a postavila sa na nohy. Všetko prekonala a bola na seba hrdá. Na ľudí nezanevrela, no už sa nevrhá pomáhať im tak bezhlavo ako vtedy.

 Boots: New Yorker
Sweater: from daddy´s wardrobe (H&M)
 Belt: Second-hand
Dress: F&F
Love, peace and fashion Ivanka

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