Weekend was great. Of course, it run like a water. Yesterday I was on skates and did the housework. 🙂 Today I had a performance (singing) and turned out beyond my expectations. As always, I was a little bit under stress, but in the half of song my voice returned to normal, so it was great. 🙂 Tomorrow I’m going with my mom to the hairdresser, look around the shops, buy curlers, some things to guitar and spend € 10 that I won the bet with my mom .:-))) Have a nice rest weekend and thanks for the nice comments.
Víkend bol fajn. Samozrejme ubehol ako voda. Včera som bola na korčuliach a upratovala, zjedla plech koláčov. 🙂 Dnes som mala vystúpenie (spevácke) a dopadlo nad moje očakávania. Ako vždy, bola som trošku v strese, ale v pólke piesne sa mi hlas vrátil do normálu, takže to už išlo ako po masle. 🙂 Zajtra sa chystám s maminou ku kaderníčke, pozrieť po obchodoch, kúpiť nátačky, brnkátko na gitaru a minúť 10 €, ktoré som vyhrala v stávke s maminou.:-))) Prajem pekný zvyšok víkendu a ďakujem za krásne komentáre.
Love, peace and fashion Ikin´
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