Femme fatale

I love the style á la Marilyn Monroe and pin-up girls. It is something beautiful and not too frequent. Slowly but surely, trying to watch what characterizes this style, and especially how to make these gorgeous curls! On Monday I am going to the hairdresser, so maybe finally know how to do it. 🙂 

Milujem štýl á la Marilyn Monroe a Pin-up girls. Je to niečo nádherné a nie moc časté. Pomaly, ale iste sa snažím „odkukávať“, čo tento štýl charakterizuje a hlavne, ako sa robia tieto nádherné kučery! V pondelok idem ku kaderníčke, tak sa snáď konečne dozviem, ako na to.:-)

Love,peace and fashion Ikin´

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