Because some people, we would be willing to go to the end of the world. But Have you ever wondered how many of them would be willing to go there because of you?
Probably not, not think ….
Because these people you think you can trust and who you can rely on. But just when something happens, it is shown how many of them are your true friends, how many of them are playing only their „role“ and how many are ourselves.
How many of them you are willing to listen if something bothering you?
Probably not, not think ….
Because these people you think you can trust and who you can rely on. But just when something happens, it is shown how many of them are your true friends, how many of them are playing only their „role“ and how many are ourselves.
How many of them you are willing to listen if something bothering you?
Kvôli niektorým ľuďom, by sme boli ochotní zájsť na koniec sveta. Ale premýšľali ste niekedy o tom, koľkí z nich by tam boli ochotní zájsť kvôli vám?
Pravdepodobne nie, nerozmýšľali….
Pretože sú to podľa vás ľudia, ktorým môžete veriť a na ktorých sa môžete spoľahnúť. Ale až keď sa niečo stane, tak sa ukáže, koľkí z nich sú vaši naozajstní priatelia, koľko z nich hrajú iba svoju „rolu“ a koľkí sú samými sebou.
Koľkí z nich vás budú ochotní počúvať, ak vás niečo trápi?
Pointa článku sa skrýva v jeho nepointe….
Dress: Second-hand (Miss Selfridge), Sweater: C&A, Over-knee socks: from my mum, Glasses: from Paris
Love,peace and fashion Ivanka
strašne rada mám tvoj štýl! A tvoje okuliare
Nice glasses ;))
This outfit is STUNNING! I love your nerdy look, it’s so beautiful, gorgeous and perfect and the dress is so amazing!
Started following you!
I really like the music on your blog!