
Berliners. Charismatic, talented, vivacious, good looking and nice. 
Their personalities were showing me everywhere. In the subway I heard them singing, playing musical instruments and some I saw also dance. In the shops I felt their kindness and willingness to help. Among young I found out they are sociable and communicative. 
I heard many people say that Germans are not pretty. Error! Girls take care of yourself and want to look good. And verily, they look perfect! 
And the boys? So they are incredibly sexy. <3
 We were by „Kissenschlachtat Brandenburger Tor. :) It was a pillow fight attended by 3,000 people from several corners of the world. (But I think there were more as 3000.) The whole event was announced as the event through Facebook. Already in the subway, we saw people with pillows and their enthusiastic faces said that it will be perfect. A few minutes after we went through the crowd to our „group“, someone blew a whistle and we all started beating with pillows. Already after a few minutes there was full of feathers around BT, the ground was covered with them to the ankles and people looked like snowmen. I personally have feathers still on the bag and coat. (The coat was after coming home vacuumed, but those feathers have strong will.: D)
 Berlínčania. Charizmatickí, talentovaní, temperamentní, dobre vyzerajúci a milí. 
Ich osobnosti sa mi zrkadlili všade. V metre som počula ich spev, hru na hudobných nástrojoch a poniektorých som mohla vidieťaj tancovať. V obchodoch som pocítila ich prívetivosť a ochotu pomáhať. Medzi mladými som zistila, akí sú kamarátski a komunikatívni. 
Mnoho ľudí som počula povedať, že Nemci nie sú pekní. Chyba! Dievčatá sa o seba starajú a chcú dobre vyzerať. A veru, darí sa im to! 
A chlapci? Tak tí sú neskutočne sexy. <3 
Boli sme na Kissenschlacht pri Brandenburger Tor. 🙂 Bola to vankúšová bitka, na ktorej sa zúčastnilo údajne 3000 ľudí z viacerých kútov sveta. (No myslím, že ich tam bolo viac.)  Celá akcia bola vyhlásená ako udalosť cez Facebook. Už v metre sme videli ľudí s vankúšikmi a ich nadšené tváre prezradzovali, že to bude stáť za to. Pár minút po tom, čo sme sa prepchali cez dav k svojej skupinke, niekto zapískal na píšťalku a všetci sme sa začali mlátiť vankúšmi. Už po pár minútach bolo okolie BT plné pierok, zem bola nimi pokrytá po členky a ľudia vyzerali ako snehuliaci. Ja osobne mám pierka ešte stále na kabelke a na kabáte. (Ten sme po príchode „domov“ vysávali, no tie pierka majú sakra silnú vôľu. :D)

Love, peace and fashion Ivanka

Shirt: H&M, Bag: Second-hand (Primark), Leggings: Unknown, Sweater: H&M, Boots: New Yorker, Coat: Max&Co.

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